Is Egypt safe?! a new question we did not used to hear it before 25 Jan revolution and the unrest case which occurred after it, within the below few line, I won't answer it to you but will help you to figure out the answer yourself
actually to answer this question we have to consider many considerations about safety, economic tourism value, clashes area, nature of Egyptian people and tourist attractions in Egypt, I will try to summarize them in just few points to make it easy for you to discover the appealed answer:
Is Egypt safe?! - Revolution incidents; in Jan 25, 2011 Egyptians went out to streets chanting to topple the political regime of former president Mubrak, and in Feb 11 of the same year Mubarak has stepped out and the military council controlled the state, within those hard and tense days there is no witness that any of tourists and travelers in Egypt was harmed, on the contrary Egyptian rebels gained the respect and appreciation of the whole world specially after the white uprising they did it
Safety and Security: after the clashes which took place Jan 28, in Cairo and Delta Egyptian police withdrew from streets, and there was a totally absence of safety in the areas of Cairo and Delta, the matter which made people start to hold public security forces to secure their houses and properties, All this took place at Cairo and Delta but when we talk about Red Sea costs and upper Egypt, there was such a complete isolation of the current actions and everything was totally secured there, there is no evidence that anyone there even the locals was badly effected of the security absence , Nowadays Egyptian police comes back to work with its full power and ability to secure the state and citizens
-What after revolution: starting of Feb 2011 and till the current moment – even after electing new president – demonstrations and clashes are continue to take place, but all these actually take place in certain and limited areas at Cairo, Alexandria and Delta
So it is totally so fat of the tourist attractions in Egypt in Red Sea, Giza, Luxor and Aswan
but you still have to avoid or miss few tourist landmarks such as Egyptian museum at Tahrir square where almost of demonstrations are taking place there
- Tourist and Traveler in Egypt: according to latest economic reports, more than 13% of national income of Egypt comes from tourism industry and there are more than 3 millions of manpower are involved in tourism activity or well related industries
those numbers are strongly indicate to tourism value for the national income and how the state consider tourist and traveler in Egypt and about the security and facilities they provide to every single traveler to Egypt in the current days
- Nature of Egyptian people; actually Egyptian people are very peaceful and friendly people, the matter you can check yourself within any former traveler to Egypt or with the travel forms on Internet
Finally, here are some simple instructions to follow during your stay in Egypt for more safety and security:
1 – Avoid clashing areas at Cairo and Alexandria, most famous of those area are Tahrir square (where Egyptian Museum located), Qaed Ibrahim square at Alexandria (Where Mircus Cathedral locates)
2 – Hire a pre-booked taxi either by Egypt Travel Agent or tour operator or the hotel you are staying in
3 – If you are going out in a free tour with no tour guide, it is rather prefer to till hotel reception desk about your plans with a contact No
4 – There is no need to any worry while you are touring Sharm Elsheikh, Hurghada, Luxor and Aswan as there is really no clash there
5 – For women traveling alone, it is so recommended to hire a tour guide ( female or male ), not to hire a taxi just pre-booked transfers, not to use underground metro or micro buses, do not talk so much to people you do not know useless and finally conservative clothing will be so appreciated specially within visits to religious places
So now, what do you think about Egypt?! Do you think
Egypt is safe to visit?! I just wished if I helped a bit about providing an answer